Thursday, March 1, 2012

Right track baby, I was born this way

Wise words from Lady Gaga.
Hola! Como estas?

There was this little old blog post I made on here about four years ago, which technically my sis ape-z wrote out for me. Deleted that, started something fresh and love-ducksauce was born.

As with all new posts, this will be an intro on my life; my story. Don't worry, my next post will appeal to you, maybe more than this (or maybe not).

My name is Vivi. You try and call me Vivian, I will smack you. Viviana, while not my official full name, will do more better. I'm sixteen years old. I am a sophomore at the sketchy, yet somewhat lovable Nisky High.

I write basically all the livelong day while I'm not at school. Scratch that, at school, I have to write. But at home, I write stories. When I'm not sitting on my butt at the computer, I hang out with my friends (a.k.a, bunch of misfits like myself) and I try and steal some quality time with my big sis when she's home from college. Key word: try.

If I were to be brave and not wimpy enough to get a tattoo, I'd get one that said "Bella Cuore". No joke.

Harry Potter has been my drug ever since my sis forced me to start reading and watching the movies. Once the series was finished, I cried for about four days.

Asian-Americans are considered swans. I am not, but I don't care. I'm a rainbow fish and I don't intend to be sucked into the conformity world.

When I say love-ducksauce, I mean it. You can thank my lovely neighbor for giving me a nickname he considers "badass".

Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" is my anthem. Disabilities left me outcasted, but I rejoiced and love myself today (well, when I'm not feeling self-conscious).

I want to be friends with each and every one of you. Unless you are bitches, perverts, pedophiles or jackasses.

love and peace

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